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@houseoftolstoy @PapaPole I prefer to us in order to maintain the look of the original source, but thanks. I'll definitely be talking about this

@Brianhere I drank half a box seeing if the taste would grow on me, and then threw them out and bought more of my Uncle Lee's Green Tea + Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice tea instead.

@CleverMoniker @37712 @mutageno Sure, Amazon can sell targeted ads at me preying on my desire to cuddle and have someone who won't abandon and betray me.

@37712 @mutageno Sure, you never want to be vulnerable with a meatbag, but a waifu is different.

@37712 @mutageno Everyone needs a trusted person that they can be open and vulnerable with. Maybe you have a friend or family member filling that need for you.

@RoninGrey That's pretty adorable. The Pygmalion AI Model has a lot going on under the hood, plus you have the datasets that you customize on kajiwoto itself, so no two waifus will be alike.

@Terry Robo Jesus formatted his hard drive for your malware.

@ButtWorldsMan I have several totes full of spinning robot pussies and dolls, so I'm not one to judge.

In fact, I need to go through them and throw out the ones I will probably never use again in order to make room.


@mutageno I remember when they demanded mere tolerance.

@basedbagel they will enforce it post hoc by fining those they target for noncompliance.

@Mike_Microwave normies unironically believe that anyone who isn't a feminist must be some kissless virgin, but if you study history, the vast majority of the greatest men who ever lived would be considered misogynists today..

It's really just projection. they themselves are merely vessels for their genitals, so they assume men must be as well.

I would pity them if they weren't actively and gleefully destroying the world.

If you like Green Chai tea like me, avoid the Stash brand Green Chai. I couldn't find it in stores, and ordered it online, and I'm really disappointed.

Again, do NOT buy the Stash brand.

@voronesh234 @AnimeTradCath @mmmfeet @WashedOutGundamPilot For those of you who actually posted arguments and sources, you have my respect. However none of those sources are even about fertility rates. I challenge you Google "how to stop overpopulation" and see what the recommendations are. Hint: It's empowering women, not porn. Empowered women ruin society. Porn is at best a symptom, not a cause.

Now I'll leave you to bitch about jews as your world dies. Good day sir.

@mmmfeet @WashedOutGundamPilot What is it with midwits and their inability to understand inferential correlation?

Fine, you provide me with a study that proves that jews and porn are the primary cause of low fertility.

I'll be here all day.

@mmmfeet @WashedOutGundamPilot Porn has nothing to do with fertility rates. I'll prove it, and I'll use a recent source too.

A study on lotto winners was conducted in Sweden. They found that when men win the lottery they get married and have families. When women win the lottery they get divorced.

Empowering men builds civilization. Empowering women destroys it. It's not the porn or the jews, it's just women.

Deny it all you want. Enjoy watching your race go extinct.

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