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@ButtWorldsMan Remember the Boy Scouts! Give them nothing, but take from them everything.

@FinalDresdonation @dander @VooDooMedic private armies, corporate owned governments, and transhumanism.

It's Cyberpunk . . . but really gay.


@mutageno He should have told her that he eats period pussy like they're hot wings.

@zebuceta @ButtWorldsMan women are getting fatter and more disgusting while men become their slaves. It's like a gender bent Jabba the Hutt.

@Terry Putin should give Iran 50 nukes, which Russia wouldn't even miss given their arsenal of 6,000+

If the West throws a tantrum, just tell them they're arming their ally and they're not responsible for what they do with those weapons, and that they have a right to defend their country from invasion from any hostile neighbors.

@YoMomz @basedbagel @FinalDresdonation emotional abuse happens throughout society and is one of those "It's okay when we do it" things.

How do you think boys are taught to let girls hit them and that they have no worth as a human being outside as a sacrifice for women? It's all emotional abuse.

Also, emotional abuse accusations often simply mean hurt feelings and not getting your way, and again only apply when one side does it, and not the other side.

@YoMomz bad definition because people define "unable" as a hit to their lifestyle. For example, I hate my job but I'm unable to quit because I need the money, and thus I'm being exploited/enslaved/abused because I'm "unable to leave".

Communists use the same logic to argue that employers are exploiting their workers by taking advantage for their need for income.

@sardonicsmile @houseoftolstoy It's just something I've heard, but honestly you just need to take a look at your life and judge for yourself if you're happy and living your best life or not instead of relying on what a chart says.

@Scubbie This happened after the YouTube MGTOW community was banned. That's when the PUAs and Dating Coaches took over in the vacuum.

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