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@VooDooMedic It's being worked on. Hopefully it gets fixed by Wednesday.

@VooDooMedic He ghosted me and never emailed me a link. He probably forgot or something is restored, but the widgets are broken.

AMR is working on a solution, but it will likely be a downgrade from the current system.

Something will be worked out by Wednesday.

No show tonight

My website is still down, so I have nobody to talk to, and I don't want to manually comb through the comments looking for superchats for hours. I'm going to take the night off.

Hopefully everything gets fixed for Wednesday.


@mrhorsetwat travelling should be reserved only for the elites. Peasants should stay in their mudhuts and eat bugs so the elites can enjoy waterfront mansions and steak every night.

@Stahesh @basedbagel "It's Obama money. I dunno where he gets it, his stache, but he given it to us, that's why we love him. Obama! Obama!"

@PordanJeterson it makes the additional length compact as girth and makes your 7.5 inch pumped up kick into a 6 inch soda can.

@RoninGrey is that what an ancient Greek model would look like selling used cars?

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Twothousandshadows @dander my merch store was censored to hell, but AMR said he will look into creating one for the manosphere.

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