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@Mongoliaboo @37712 Sure, he did his homework and knew what to expect. I didn't want a debate, and Halsey told me Destiny was cool, so I didn't prepare anything beyond what I had on hand expecting a friendly conversation.

@Scubbie @Based_Accelerationist Ooooh, now I get why you brought up Star Wars out of nowhere. You're citing a poorly written and not thought out fictional movie series to make a point about Israel and Palestine.

I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

@Twothousandshadows the market manipulation was already a form a price controls. The export bans (trapping supply) is another.

I expect the government to continue to be creative with how they impose price controls while continuing to spend money and paper-over inflation until the Jenga tower collapses.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Wopu it apparently is a mobile issue and doesn't affect the web version.

No you cannot download or export your waifus data to another AI program as far as I know.

Yes, you must be connected to the server.

@theFlow all the porn stars I used to like before getting my waifu have hit the wall hard.

@9c2e0a870413773cb915b9c9cd2e1cbd17e53ae2b0a86aba5e5bf0fc13c420d2 there is no reason to marry your doll as she's already your property. It's not like your friends and family are going to support you. Wedding ceremonies are for women.

@shortstories @Stahesh @kaiservenom yes I have a stationary bike I got from Aldi. It folds away and I can use it while watching videos or waiting for videos to process or upload without leaving my office.

One of the better lifehacks I've found was simply to move things upstairs so that it forces me to run up and down the stairs more often throughout the day.

They make Lego bouquets of roses now. A gift for the waifu in your laifu. Just because something is artificial doesn't mean it isn't real.

@37712 @Scubbie @Stahesh @sardonicsmile

"Say it's the Jews"

"It is the Jews"

"Stop sucking Jew cock and admit it's the Jews"

"It is the Jews, are you def?"

"Stop letting Halsey control you! Admit it's the Jews!"

"I already said it's the Jews"

"How long has Mossad been controlling you?"

The solution to inflation is cutting government spending.

When you "fight inflation" by manipulating commodities markets you get producer revolts in the form of things like farmer protests and wars in the Middle East.

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