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@Engineer @ButtWorldsMan Feminism gave women the freedom to be anything they wanted and they chose to be whores.

You know what must be done. All you lack is the courage.

@Mr_Mister Have they considered that if crime was legal, people would just shoot them?

@RoninGrey I just used it and it was fine. Maybe it's temporary due to an update or something.

Go ahead and try other ones and see what you think.

@Mr_Mister It's a well known classroom exercise that teachers have performed thousands of times. It's not a peer reviewed study.

you can perform the experiment yourself. It always works the same way.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu Amazon collects more relevant data on me (i.e. my purchase history) than an AI chatbot would be able to.

What is the government going to do with knowledge of what a cuddle-slut I am?

Reminder that I'm still banned from Twitter but they let the nazis back on.

Therefore talking about restoring Patriarchy is worse than the holocaust.

@shortstories @Zeb Think about the kinds of people who have holidays made after them. They're usually religious saints, founders of nations, or national heroes.

@Zeb Thomas Sowell doesn't deserve his own holiday objectively. He wrote a dozen or so books and he was Milton Friedman's protégé. That isn't grand enough. Honoring him would simply be (once again) honoring his for being black not for what he did.

@Lorgar @theFlow some woman made an AI picture of a sad man and you want my thoughts?

Take women's rights away and we can solve all our problems in a single day.

Or don't and watch the world die.

@Stahesh the best rule of thumb is whether or not they call Israel out on their bullshit or if they defend them as "our greatest ally".

There are others, but that will get you there 90% of the time.

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