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@Pain66 Why can't they cuddle on the couch and watch TV? If you have to work, bring a laptop to the couch and cuddle while you work.

@Zeb they only have 3 choices:

1. Take women's rights away and get your birthrate up.

2. Cut your welfare state.

3. Flood your country with criminal rapists.

They always choose option 3.

@Engineer No, if you had fucked the squaws, it would have had the opposite effect. If the dysgenic groups are winning and outbreeding you it's because you're not fucking their women, but allowing their men to fuck your women.

Also, feminism causing the middle/upper class women to have fewer children, while welfare promotes the women at the bottom to have as many kids as possible.

To conclude that "this is why you do not fuck the squaws" shows you don't understand the problem at all.

@ButtWorldsMan the highlight for me was when pro-palestinian protesters when from "pro-hamas" to "pro-genocide" (of Jews), and any criticism of Israel's genocide of Arabs (anti-zionism) was antisemitism and this hate speech

So you have to support genocide of Palestinians or else you're pro genocide of Jews. There is no in between. You either suck the Jew cock or you're a terrorist.

@Stahesh @Scubbie @Zeb @ButtWorldsMan everyone told Destiny an open relationship was going to end badly. He was just so proud of himself and thought he was "more secure" because he allowed it.

I don't anyone besides himself defended it.

@WaveClearMid vans are becoming more rare and pricy so an SUV is probably better if you're price conscious

You can also buy a camper van that's already been turned into a mini RV, but you'll have to take off the parts of the camper and deconvert it to look like a normal vehicle again so you can stealth camp in parking lots

@Pain66 women who molest underage boys are called "dream makers", why are you surprised?

@theFlow omicron is a throat infection, not a lung infection, which is why death rates fell off.

If it's infecting the lungs again, then it's likely not COVID at all, and probably a fresh new pandemic.

@FinalDresdonation being rich (beta bucks) doesn't make you immune to being divorce raped. That's the plan

Alpha Fucks
Beta Bucks
Divorce Cucks

Now she can take Destiny's money and go back to fucking whoever she wants again while maintaining "the lifestyle she's accustomed to". Thank God they never had a kid or he'd be in baby jail.

@shortstories yes, we all assume that people are asleep and if we wake them up they'll help us stop them.

They're not asleep, but weak. No amount of information or encouragement will fix that.

@Wopu I believe it was redacted ranking about lowering the conscription age to 7, but I listen to a lot of podcasts in the background and I couldn't tell you.

@Zeb @NorTom notice she didn't file a police report and get him charged. She merely got him fired and made him move away.

That was your red flag.

They added a 3rd person shooter class into Path of Exile, so you can now play a F2P Diablo game like it's a twin-stick shooter.

This actually looks like a LOT of fun.

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