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homosexuality is usually associated (either as cause or effect — it would be hard to say which) with sadism, [12] and that sadism in turn, when it does not find an outlet in acts of brutal violence, inspires the passion for “equality” and “social justice” that masquerades as “idealism” and is accepted as such by unsuspecting persons who do not see that the only purpose of the “idealists” is to incite the violence and brutality that will give them a vicarious delight

@Tfmonkey please check out Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, it's a lot like Singapore, and I have been to both, but it's cheap as hell, even in city center sweet apartments are <500 a month and finance is one of the most in demand jobs for work visas. Check into it, it's way better, I never was harassed like in Singapore, they always wanted to see my papers, question me over and over if I traveled anywhere or even going into most buildings, I couldn't stand the constant checkpoints, nada in Malaysia

@basedbagel This is a baby respecting instance.
Love Babies. Hug Babies. Take babies out in the stroller. Play peek-a-boo with babies. Jingle car keys for babies. Pretend the spoon is an air plane while feeding babies. Read stories to babies. Early enrollment in preschool for babies. Buy stuffed animals for babies. Raise babies to be Christian. :1488: :cross_ortho_wooden1:

@37712 I was raised by Christian Democrats and was taught tolerance in public schools. So it's EXPERIENCES in the REAL WORLD that changed my opinions.

I gave these groups an inch and they took a mile.

They've pushed me to hard lines in my faith and my family values / protection / preparation.

I used to not understand preppers. I was never taught the "why" because I never saw the deep insides until I started looking for myself how things were.

@VeganMGTOW @37712 I'm going to re-reclaim the whole earth in the name of Creator God, then.

"Wild, Draw 4" card.

@redmaple @DoubleD @philosophy @UncleIroh @YoMomz

I mostly agree that we need consequences and stoning is a good start.

I do believe morality does matter because if you ignore it long enough you can lose the ability to live with yourself and go crazy

@UncleIroh @DoubleD @philosophy Ngl I was a littel triggered at 1st but overall it was fun.

I try to stay off the internet but you just can't have these conversations anywhere else.

@UncleIroh @philosophy @basedbagel I'm glad you enjoyed yourself! It was something to read through all that. There were times when I wanted things to go a bit slower and more carefully so arguments could be laid out; maybe it would have resulted in more understand? It was enjoyable nonetheless.

It is true that Matrix massively leaks metadata. But so does xmpp. For secured decentralised protection of that there is simplex. Xmpp is vulnerable to the mitmls attack som government used against a russian server and that attack vulnerability has now been mandated in EU(SSR) law.

@UncleIroh @philosophy

He is and the funny part about it is that he doesn't even see it yet says Christians lack self awareness lol!

I feel the same way about Godless people the as I do pro vax people.

I don't agree with your choices.

I want to help you but it's too late and there's nothing I can do.

Lord knows I' tried

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.