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Live right now, Debate: Redpill vs Christ Pill - Casey Jones vs Andrew Wilson

Alright that’s absolutely crazy. What a fantastic effort! I hope the community contributes to this project; it is a massive step forward in the general QoL whilst using Monero

Reddit fags just can't solve the mystery of why boys and young men are turning conservative while the girls are turning into whores.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey If nothing happens to those FBI agents, this was bait to flush out whoever else would side with them. That is my best guess.

@DoubleD hijab hoes are gonna hoe. They just need the right discipline from the patriarchy


Buddhists can be atheists and also believe in the supernatural because they believe in no gods but also believe in supernatural or paranormal or possibly superstitious things like reincarnation and ghosts and possibly miracles


Man made global warming destroying the world in a flood is totally not a superstition and totally different than the supernatural claim of Noah's ark and a worldwide flood

Have faith in the one true science

@UncleIroh @amerika @Zeb @basedbagel I think it's those who are just graduating from the Sandman level and Ex PUAs. They need the next step that justifies for the common man what they've learned from the entrance speakers. If they went straight to TFM or Marcus, they'd not have the deeper understanding of themselves that only comes from ascending the stairs of redpill content through experiencing it themselves.

Been seeing this make the rounds. Very true shit to be said. Asia while they're still nations (for now) are just as far if not further ahead of the gyno spectrum.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.