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That is well put together but I think Bill Gates does a much better job at explaining this:

Thank you for confirming that there would be indeed some COIs between Cake and Moon, and that at least one of Cake’s contributors or ex-contributors has started this anti-Monero (?) blockchain analytics provider.

A dilemma is: if Cake is not a honeypot, of course you deny the claim that it’s a honeypot; if Cake is indeed a honeypot, of course you deny the same claim. If Moon and Cake are totally unrelated, you say, “They’re unrelated.” If Moon and Cake are secretly or subtly collaborating in some way, you say the same thing. So asking or answering a question about something like this is largely pointless.

Probably an ideal solution is not trust, but math and technology. Yet pure P2P doesn’t look very realistic, so a centralized big player like Cake may be necessary to some extent. There is always a trade-off between privacy and convenience.

As of writing this, GitHub shows Justin Ehrenhofer as your contributor. You may want to erase the past to avoid “misunderstanding” about what happened. Things must be much easier on Reddit or Twitter 🤭 sorry about that, but this is

Thanks for the feedback. Will look at ways to making it smaller. Thinking of offering a “Dark” or something that is super light with no exchange or buy/sell features and only available on Fdroid and only works over Tor.

@shortstories Self-defense experts have a saying: don't go to the second location.

That is, if someone is trying to stuff you into a van, fight for your life right then and there. Same goes for this hypothetical video game situation. Don't get picked up, don't get transported, etc. Fight at the earliest possible point.

Uncooperative conscripts can be thrown into a bullet hell and turned into a "look at what they did to our men" narrative. You always lose once you reach the second location.

You can not have freedom of religion when the "Jewish" religion outlaws all other religions with the death penalty and enslaves all people who do not pass their test of "Jewish" ancestry ( even though Ashkenazi Jews have a counterfeit exaggerated proportion of Jewish ancestry )

The closest you can have to freedom of religion is outlawing religions like Judaism

And then letting people choose among the remaining religions that allow freedom and do not try to enslave people based on ancestry

@UncleIroh @Pain66

🤣 😂

Good to know, I was hopping they would come out with a test. Women always lie.

@UncleIroh I wouldn't have truly believed it, if I hadn't seen it. I don't know which elephant was bigger, Epstein or that painting he had of Bill Clinton in a dress...
Absolute bonkers. After that I have no problem believing they worship Moloch in the woods and offer babies as tribute. And given these people are our elites, anything is possible in this war.

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey Yup, he picks up the pieces as best as possible and I hope he is right. But who knows, we're talking about the same masterminds who convinced all these normies to vaccinate themselves lol.
We'll have to wait and see I guess. Eventually something will break, I just hope it's good news for individualism.

@Tfmonkey I cant believe you are only now finding out about tommy robinson beign a jew IDF possibly mossad asset/agent and also they dont have anything on him he has always been a zionist, there are many pictures of him beign IDF yrs ago. Even 4chan has been talking about this for yrs.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey
You do know Israel has already planned to send them to Europe, right? Don't worry, you'll have plenty of refugees once they're done with Gaza. And it won't stop there either.
If you're a "genocide appreciator" then you'll appreciate Israel's plan for you.
Now, if like me, you only enjoy watching the genocide of your enemy and not your own, then you'll want Iran to do something.

Unless of course, you're a zionist, like Halsey, but odds are, it's just ignorance.

@UncleIroh I believe that’s called getting red pilled “the hard way”

If the load came from a Pajeet, it would be brown and tastes like 💩 and curry, and it would probably smell like a dead rat too. Just imagine :)

@Tfmonkey it was probably for sticking your thumb up your ass for too long

No but seriously I hope it didn't hurt a lot, and that you wont have to go to the doctor cuz that sucks too

@fal1026 @37712 @UncleIroh her name is Gabrielle Hanna, she was a Viner and YouTuber. It was around the early to mid 2010s when Vine videos and try not to laugh videos on YouTube were more popular.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.