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Yes, I know Christmas was placed on top of an existing celebration at the same time of the year and all. But who cares? Christmas is more important than any pagan holiday, so Christmas it is!

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Boy, a whole lot of "Christmas" songs that have are not actually about Christmas (that is, Jesus), were made by those who are not Christian! What a coincidence! Of course they want to make Christmas all about snow and presents, because they sure do not want it to be about Jesus!

Or whenever there is any mention of it being such a "wonderful time of year" without acknowledging WHY there is any celebration in the first place, you don't have to wonder why they are doing it. They just hate Jesus.

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When tfm finally louses all his money and cant afford celestina anymore

@UncleIroh @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu

I know you're memeing but I have gotten that SAME response verbatim back when I tried to red-pill normies in real life.

Twas a fools errand that brought me so much pain but Lord know my intentions were pure.

@ButtWorldsMan @Brianhere

70"% of people are obese or overweight

66% on prescription drugs

75% vaxxed

80% in debt

I'm not a black piller but yeah its OVER.

But its all good I got my 2nd passport already so God wiling I won't be here much longer.

At this point in time do any of the aspirations, needs and interest of non-jews matter in any country?

CNN is losing their minds about Alex Jones and the Spaces yesterday.

CNN could only dream of having those names all in one interview.


@basedbagel I'd pay to watch Destiny ask her lawyer for a source and attempt his do-my-homework schtick in the courtroom 🤣

@sardonicsmile Nail polish isn't helping Prof Soy here. But what he's saying is probably true, just not a 100% cause. There's also welfare and feminism having destroyed the black family, like you say there is zoning creating unnatural areas where there's nothing but homes, etc.

The truth is usually complex. Lies have to be simple or nobody would listen until the end.

Hi, thanks for the reply. So with Mastodon, your identity is tied to a server which the admin can censor. If you own the server, then other servers can censor via defederation. This becomes an issue in the case that Monero is banned by governments and physical locations with IP addresses have to comply.

Instead, Nostr separates identity from physical locations through encryption. This allows you to own your identity like you’d self-custody Monero. This video goes over the basics:

@UncleIroh I didn't forget I'm reading the 1st couple chapters of 200 years together now.

Ngl I probly won't finish it because its long as hell but at least I'm being honest LOL

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.