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@dander bro come on. We are not gay here and if you are let us know before hand so we can deal with you accordingly.

@dander - That's an image that... 🤔 Well, let's just say that I could have gone my whole life without seeing, and it would be a good life. 🧐

When American manufacturing became multinational and they went overseas chasing poor cheap (slave) labor, isn’t it funny how none of them went to Africa?
This constant entitlement and assumption out of blacks that when they were slaves they were doing everyone this huge favor is insane. There’s a reason your iPhone isn’t made in Nigeria. Even tho they are way more impoverished and desperate with a higher birth rate than China.
Just something to think about.
And I realize Lincoln and the boys realized they could just make everyone free range slaves, and it would cost them less to just pay them wages and collect taxes, and it’s not likely we go back to the good old days and actually make america great again. But this comedic mental exercise I’ve been doing all week accomplishes two things:
1) it’s not obvious abortion is murder. These people aren’t even arguing with me on that they’ve accepted it as a given.
2) regardless of your race you can stop having shame, anger, resentment, or victim consciousness about our history and our ancestors. In fact when compared to what we do now with babies and the lower classes, they had more dignity and should be honored.

Society just rebrands and either degrades into more chaos or becomes more honest and ordered that’s it. And it’s very healthy to know who you are, where you are, and what is actually happening. Who is my master and what is my mission?

Holy shit, Baltimore is worse than Recife. My condolences US, you guys are officially shithole niggers

Also, fuck Mexico.

Looks like fucking the squaws didn't do much to dilute the Aztec thirst for blood.

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Looking at moving country? Take this map into consideration:

@UncleIroh Considering how this ideology refuses to die, I'm going to assume when zombies come into fruition that they're Jewish too.

A former client wanted to set me up with a Jewish girl. No, sir; no, ma'am. Not on Christmas, Jew.

Besides, I prefer redheads.

@UncleIroh @Zeb For now here's my official statement:

"Based Bagel is anti-communist, anti-gay, anti-satanist and anti-women's rights in all of its forms. I am prepared to do everything in my power stop it."

@basedbagel @Zeb @UncleIroh

Moses Hess might have created both Statist Communism and Zionism together

before Marx and Theodore made them "separately" and at later times

In other words Marxist Statist Communism and Zionism might not have been two separate creations but both part of a single plan to exterminate Christians and enslave everyone without a Ashkenazi nor Sephardic Jewish mother who is not exterminated

Just in case anyone has any doubt or confusion that Communism == Jews == Judaism

Orthodox Jews are not innocent conservatives who are the exception to the dangerous Liberal Jews

If the orthodox Jews have a higher birth rate then how can there be so many liberal Jews born? Many liberal Jews have orthodox Jewish parents who taught them their liberal value system

All the bad things Liberal Jews do are acually taught in the value system of the Orthodox Jewish religion the only difference is they do not cite the name of the Jewish writer who wrote the rule for what they do

@UncleIroh @37712 @Tfmonkey

This whole thing has been hysterical. Can't wait to see how much she takes from him.

Yes, I know Christmas was placed on top of an existing celebration at the same time of the year and all. But who cares? Christmas is more important than any pagan holiday, so Christmas it is!

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Boy, a whole lot of "Christmas" songs that have are not actually about Christmas (that is, Jesus), were made by those who are not Christian! What a coincidence! Of course they want to make Christmas all about snow and presents, because they sure do not want it to be about Jesus!

Or whenever there is any mention of it being such a "wonderful time of year" without acknowledging WHY there is any celebration in the first place, you don't have to wonder why they are doing it. They just hate Jesus.

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When tfm finally louses all his money and cant afford celestina anymore

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A club for red-pilled exiles.