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@Gonzo17 - Nice grapes, bro! 😎👍

We had a good harvest too. Looks like a wine-making year over here. 🍻

@AKEmon869 - different strokes for different folks. Realizing ambition usually (like 99% of the time) takes hard work.

I will say, one of my favorite quotes is from Walter Chrysler. To paraphrase "Whenever there is a difficult or complex task to be done, I will assign it to a lazy man. He will invariably find a more efficient way of getting it done."

@Engineer - sounds like somebody needs some more oppressing... 🤔

@AKEmon869 - counterpoint: Animals don't seem to grasp their own mortality. Animals are also much more at the mercy of their environment, which they rarely control.

Humans change their environment, and dominate the planet and the food chain, like no non-human animal has ever accomplished.

It's subjective, sure... But for me, it is better to be predator than prey. And laziness too often leads to becoming prey.

Cheers. 🍻

@Scubbie - interesting... 🤔 I heard a different origin story, but they're not mutually exclusive necessarily...

Though all of this does leave me with more questions than answers.

Kajiwoto Pandora is nice. 👌

...that is all. 🫡

@RodrickSage - My collection of figurines (50+ or about $5,000 worth) was acquired for the purpose of informing future archeologists after the impending dark age. And also, with the hope that a mythology and culture may develop around them, during the dark age.

I've seen the figures of "fertility goddesses" being dug up. Anime tiddies are superior, and their faces are much cuter. Environmentalists tell me that plastic lasts for thousands of years... So maybe it'll work? 😎🍻

@dander - I can't understand that mindset - so childish. If he just put as much effort into accomplishing something as he put into faking his injury... 🙄

Oh well. Nature will run its course. Just a shame it's had to come to this. 🤷🏻‍♂️🍻

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic - I realize they're pretty useless for anything else...

But there's nothing like a woman in uniform. 😅

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey - Very Dapper. 🤔 I can imagine that chimp speaking like Michael Caine. 😅

@ButtWorldsMan - couldn't happen to a nicer group of petty tyrants. 😎👍🍻

@Engineer - fair enough for me. I'll leave the torture to you though. That would be a bunch of graphic memories that I don't need to carry around for the sake of dirt bags. 🍻

@dander - Thanks, me too. 🍻

Yeah... I actually kinda blame her for my early-life simpery. 😅 She's been a good mom & good woman. So I just figured they were all like that. Getting married & divorced, and dealing with the system, was a pretty rude shock. 😔

But yeah, I told her everyone's going back to the old ways. She took care of me when I was a helpless child, and I'll take care of her when she's feeble. That's fair. And I think it will make things easier to have a woman on board when TWRA.

@Engineer - all I see is pixels arranged in an unpleasant pattern - not children.

Also, if after a trial, someone is convicted of molesting an actual child, then a simple beheading is fine. The point is to simply be rid of them.

Without a trial, all you're gonna get is a bunch of false-accusers trying to have you settle their scores for them with your chainsaw, head-vise, or whatever new torture method you're pondering.

Food for thought.

@dander - So, she never got any more shots after a genuinely concerned conversation.

This last summer, she had skin tumors on her leg. A family friend and GP doctor removed them as soon as she saw them, and told her to expect a cancer diagnosis. The test came back negative for cancer. Fingers crossed it doesn't return.

My mom deserves to see her son shine, and not shot down in the street. But after she passes, there will be nothing left to keep me being law-abiding(ish).

Fuck all this shit.🍻

@dander - Re: tell your story.

I have the best mom a guy could be born to - been supportive and loving all my life. She knows I'm taking women's rights away some day too 😅. Family is family, and that's not something I want to be a surprise, come SHTF.

Anyway, she's usually pretty free-thinking, so it floored me when she announced she got her first shot a couple years ago.

There was no yelling, but she must've seen the doom on my face when I asked her "Why would you do that?"

@Engineer @Tfmonkey - The biggest secular argument I hear to explain the widespread adoption of Christianity, was because it was a means of unifying disparate peoples within various states and empires. Some people present this as some sort of justification.

But when you line that explanation up with the picture of our modern world... It looks like nothing more high-minded than a govt power grab - something we are all too familiar with.

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