@UncleIroh @Zeb

Let me say high inflation then. Hyperinflation is not exactly what I mean.

@Zeb @UncleIroh

Well inflation of 20 - 30% may not be considered technically hyperinflation, it will feel like hyperinflation. That's what I mean by hyperinflation to some degree.

And the government will gaslight the public that the inflation isn't bad. The US government will never confirm hyperinflation.

@shortstories short term thinking + physical way of living

Think of it like a video game. A menu of options show up that you pick from. All the options are short term as in within the next 5 mins.

They won't think they will die, until dying is 5 mins away.

@UncleIroh @Zeb

I am expecting hyperinflation to some degree and resource scarcity. This is enough pain to break the delusion that there's a government daddy.

I'm also counting on women's incapability to endure new environments and figure shit out on their own. Think survivor men vs women.

Governments are tapped out and holding on by a string. The pretend game won't last another decade.

@UncleIroh @Zeb

I don't think it will go like South Korea as America is already too far gone. It's clown world. Everything is near maxed out. And the world is becoming unstable. The upcoming period of instability will cause some reform, even if not a complete reform, back to reality.

@UncleIroh @Zeb do you agree with that prediction after reading the book?

@sardonicsmile I miss the internet pre social media. Now retards have a voice

Red Maple boosted

@ButtWorldsMan @VooDooMedic

And everyone continues their day. White men go to work, continue to pay taxes and vote.

The desire for novelty distracts you from the few things that really matters

@Stahesh modern life in a nutshell. Bandaid over bad ideas instead of good ideas

@houseoftolstoy @Tfmonkey it's the fags. Who wants to report to dru paul? See bud light

@Stahesh Story old as time. Man invents machine to make woman happy. Woman not happy.

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh @37712 @shortstories @Zeb @Tfmonkey

The luxury is not in the price. The luxury is you have options of what to eat.

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh @37712 @shortstories @Zeb @Tfmonkey

Or you just like going to the bathroom. Lol

Seriously, following a specific diet is a luxury and it's wise not to be so dogmatic about it. It can become restrictive or problematic as soon as your circumstances change.

The man who can eat anything is more resilient than the one that needs exact requirements.

@shortstories Your moniker is short stories but it really should be plentypolls

@Stahesh @dander This is the problem of allowing women to speak. They think their thoughts are sensible. No dear, you just made noise

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