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Top Dollar Black Pill Gangster


Claims that feminism killed more gypsies than the holocaust

@VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey Or everything was Fake and Gay and was stage movie and there wasnt any shoots just movie special effects including the Donald Trump bleeding

24 Gedaliah took an oath to reassure them and their men. “Do not be afraid of the Babylonian officials,” he said. “Settle down in the land and serve the king of Babylon, and it will go well with you.”

25 In the seventh month, however, Ishmael son of Nethaniah, the son of Elishama, who was of royal blood, came with ten men and assassinated Gedaliah and also the men of Judah and the Babylonians who were with him at Mizpah.

Ishmael was a Zionist and that was a problem

Wet concrete does not cause rain because wet concrete happens after it rains

The agent who shot the alleged shooter of Trump had his gun move and the sound of shots were heard when his gun moved before the sound that allegedly occurred from the person who allegedly shot Trump

You can tell the source of the sound because the gun moves at the same time that the sound occurs

Sound is fast

Trump Shooting Critique (Detail Break Down), July 14, 2024

Jim Rizoli


Hey, the link you shared contains tracking tokens.
Here is a link without tracking tokens:
Zap this bot to keep it alive and report bugs on Github

Elections didn't real

The media made it look like cheating so that people will believe the election fraud is caused by people tampering with voting machines and planting extra ballots

The real fraud is that the media organizations agree on what numbers they will claim the candidates get

Sideshow Bob - "Flip it"

Sideshow Bob


Funny thing about the Trump assassination attempt, there is already a whole lot of speculation asking what is really going on. A gay-op that failed, or is Trump surviving the assassination attempt the gay-op itself?

We no longer live in a time where we can trust that events playing out are authentic and heterosexual, because we cannot trust our own government, media, and other powers to not be fake and gay themselves.

Yeah but it's not secure without you writing software and making hardware interfaces to make it secure.

Maybe you are drunk because that question is a run on sentence

Some people may get a specific type of arthritis called gout

Eating certain foods in certain quantities can increase gout symptoms compared with eating different food in different quantities

Those with gout from crystals in their body in response to how certain chemicals they eat are processed by the body and these crystals cause joint pain

Paying special attention to the source of their protein can influence the quantities of these chemicals

I might not have the exact details correct

You said some wild shit earlier today, I forget what though.


CTS = Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Carpal tunnel causes symptoms in the thumb, index, middle and ring finger and is aggravated by bending or putting pressure on the wrist

Ulnar neuritis causes symptoms in the ring finger and pinky and is aggravated by bending or putting pressure on the elbow

Both can be aggravated by prolonged computer use if the computer is used in a certain manner that aggravates the ulnar or median nerve

If the radian nerve is effected it will effect the thumb

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"Early studies by the same investigator suggested that supplementation with 100 mg/day-200 mg/day of vitamin B6 for several months might improve CTS symptoms in individuals with low vitamin B6 status (112, 113)."
The upper limit for b6 for a human over 19 years old is 100 milligrams per day
b6 is water soluble so it is best taken multiple times per day or in time released tablets but time released is vague if the duration is unspecified

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.