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@DoubleD @dictatordave @Stahesh

We have our very own "Fake & Gay Dream Team" right here.

Introducing the characters:

@VeganMGTOW: "Fake! It waz Big Meet and cancer and reesons. Also I can't spell for shit"

@shortstories: "Fake! Trump never existed & if he did they faked his death. Statistics is a Jewish psyop"

@Based_Accelerationist: "I have a hate-boner for Christianity & everything's fake and gay because reasons."

Congo Aquinas: “You a fat rayciss!”
Jay Dyer: “I’m not fat.”

Based 😂

Remember, agree and amplify or dismissive provocation works not just with women!

Tell you what, I'll believe this assassination attempt wasn't staged in some way to turn Trump into a martyr, if the "Cathedral" actually kills him.

They have plenty of time, Trump has more rallies to attend, they can arrest him, poison him, heart attack him, etc.

There's no excuse for them to not assassinate Trump, if that is truly their goal.

BUT, if by the end of the show, Trump becomes president like nothing happened, then you'll know this too was fake and gay.

The shooter has a last name of Crooks

So they are going to call the alleged shooter a Crook as in a criminal

Is that lazy script writing?


2 of 3
: an implement having a bent or hooked form: such as
: a shepherd's staff
: CROSIER sense 1
: a part of something that is hook-shaped, curved, or bent
the crook of an umbrella handle
: a person who engages in fraudulent or criminal practices"

Fakeologist, Lynn Ertell and Phil talk about the fake Trump shooting 7-14-24



"A hamantash"

"The name refers to Haman, the villain in the Purim story. In Hebrew, hamantashen"

meaning "Haman's ears". "Haman's ears" also refers to a Sephardic Purim pastry, "Orejas de Haman", thought to originate in Spain and Italy, that is made by frying twisted or rolled strips of dough.

@Remi The timeline is a mess with Trump garbage. People are just reverting back to left/right
@Remi Left and Right is a gross oversimplification of how varied and nuanced politics can be.
Even the political compass with four more or less different directions of politics is too simple, but at least it's better than the retarded Left/Right false dichotomy the US has.
Wake up and start seeing nazis unironically going to bat for republican politics again jesus christ you got played.

So each of the vitamins comes in multiple forms called vitamers

Consuming different vitamers has different effects on the body

The amount of dosing suggested for two different vitamers of the same vitamin can be different

This is problematic regarding nutrition labels and the level of education given to the general public

Someone already posted this without a description but I am posting it with a more clear description so you know what it is and are more likely to look at it

Trump meets with Jewish Donors

Trump changes what he says about Israel

Nick Fuentes breaks down Trump's shift in messaging


>felony factories
Reminds me of when that skinny blond chick ann coulter did a garbage day time talk show showing the statistics on single mothers and them destroying their kids and the world and the women lost their damn minds. Should be on you tube still.


Where can you watch or listen to

Davis Aurini

He used to be on youtube

Does he have a channel on some other platform

"Before being unceremoniously booted from the platform, Aurini made YouTube videos"

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.