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Sweet dystopia
I reject your games and rules
I forge my own path

Most of the people who the mainstream media says are Ashkenazi and or Sephardic Jews in positions of power

1 Pretend to be Ashkenazi and or Sephardic Jews so that you can not criticize their words and or actions without being called an anti-semitie but are not actually of Ashkenazi and or Sephardic ancestry

2 Really are of Ashkenazi and or Sephardic ancestry

3 One of the answers is illegal in my country

Shows amorphous solid mannequins that look like human corpses

Claims the alleged dead Palestinians that die have no bones and you can see they are mannequins because you do not see bones on the inside of the mannequins when the mannequins are cut open in fake injuries

Claims it is more profitable to fake a war

Claims Israel has a art department that makes the mannequins

Fake News Phil Sounds Crazy But He Does Have A Point - Everything Is A Psyop



Is the recent alleged 24 hour sun video in Antarctica fake?

"The Final LARP. Is The Final Experiment Fake?" IPS DEPROGRAM 12/16/24



Are they going to claim Muslims terrorists from Iran or whatever country they want to go to war against have snuck Nuclear weapons into New York or New Jersey as an anti-semitic attack and that they need government military drones to spy on U.S.A. citizens to prevent a nuclear threat?

I missed the episode with TFM and Aaron Clarey so here it is for anyone interested

I have noticed in a recent propaganda push about vaccines. Not Covid specific, but just vaccines in general.

I see this as a sign that powers that be are doing a poor attempt at damage control. There has never been more doubt in "vaccines" than ever before, and ever since the rollout of the mRNA clots shots, people are asking questions about the other vaccines. Since we know they were full of shit with the Covid ones, is it so wild to think they might be lying about others too?

I've realized that the only path to happiness on this planet is to get away from other people as much as possible.

Frankists believed in Sabbatai Zevi, one of the most famous of all self-proclaimed messiahs in Jewish history. He believed in transgressing Jewish commandments in order to elevate the "divine sparks" constrained by them, and he himself actually performed actions that violated traditional Jewish prohibitions, such as eating foods forbidden by kashrut, the Jewish dietary laws, practicing ritual incest,[4] and celebrating prescribed fast days as feast days.

Kikes & incest

This is about Sabatai Zevi a famous Jew who people believed to be the Messiah who said he converted to Islam

Many people believe he promoted a religion in which he promoted redemption or salvation through breaking the laws of God by things like lying, stealing & breaking sexual prohibitions

They cut off the word Order to Or in the title

ACH (1666) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of 1666 And The Sabbatean Origins Of The New World Or

The Time Of The End


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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.