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> VM has permissions fucked up
> "Did you try running the command 4 times? It works on the 4th time"
> Silly me, I only ran it 3 times
> Run command 5 times
> Still fails

Why are Sysads and Microsoft like this?

Everything’s different now that Trump is president right guys?

@Tfmonkey Netanyahu gave Trump a golden pager in memory of the exploding pager attack in Lebanon. What is the meaning of giving him a symbol the thing that exploded and killed its owner?

Who would win if there was a war between these countries

Donald Trump has done more to harm the

Donald Trump has put Tariffs on China

As Trump keeps exposing himself as the traitor he obviously always was, the "Christian patriots" are working extra hard to distract the goyim with breadcrumbs: "Look how he's obliterating DEI! We're dismantling USAID! We've deported 0.001% illegals! Winning!"

Meanwhile, Trump made antisemitism punishable by law, annexed Gaza, is expelling all Palestinians to rebuild it for the Jews, is threatening to do the same with the West Bank and has plans for Iran to be obliterated if he's "assassinated".
Lol fucking YouTube tried to kill my channel,but failed. My hate gets refined, see I'm learning. You can't kill me, I'm already dead.

Kikes need people to say they hate them in order to get free stuff at other humanoids expense but not saying that you hate the kikes will not stop them because kikes will become actors or hire actors who say they hate the kikes and then the kikes will demand free stuff if you say nothing

Up till now the southern German state of Bavaria - which has held the copyright since hitler died in 1945 - has not allowed the text to be republished out of respect for victims of the Holocaust.

Since 2009, however, historians at the Institute of Contemporary History of Munich have prepared an annotated - much longer - version of the book, which aims to “deconstruct and put Hitler’s writing into context.”

@shortstories Sort of, German government (I don't know their setup enough to be precise) got copyright ownership of a lot and limited publishing. Everything is out of copyright now due to age I think.

When the Kikes won world war 2 by cheating did they get all the legal ownership of the German propaganda films published prior to their victory?

So like the Holocaust Museums can legally use the footage and rearrange it how they want because they own it, but if anyone else who disagrees with them dares use the same footage they prosecute them for illegal use of the footage that they captured legal ownership of in a hostile takeover?

I am not making the claim, I am asking

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