@Mongoliaboo Exactly, but copium feels good. Even something as trivial as a politician leaving office (only to soon be hired by the UN or something) is enough for the sheeple to celebrate as if they won anything. Trudeau is the latest example, he did his job, secured his future by stealing yours and now he's leaving for some cozy job that is much less stressful and just as lucrative. Somehow this is a win for us though.
And of course, Trump and Elon are the perfect copium for idolatrous cowards.
I'm watching everyone fall for the fake and gay wins they're being served up:
1. Orange man wins
2. Non-space X brings back free speech
3. Lizardbook brings back free speech
Did you fight for this victory? If you didn't have to fight for it, you didn't win. The 4d chess is real this time, and you're the victim.
They want you to be racist. They want you to hate Islam. It makes you a good soldier for the coming Iran war.
Thought I'd check in on how Bukele is managing in El Salvador:
Good news, everyone. Every country has condemned Israel for genocide except USA. ZOG has shrunk overnight.
Channel 5 interviewed Mexican hookers and sex tourists in Tijuana. Mexican hookers seem to be about as immoral as your average American (non-hooker) woman. However, they come across as more intelligent, and are capable of taking responsibility for their own actions.
It shows how much impact culture (men) can have. Remember, these are full-time hookers, we are selecting for Mexico's worst here.
How many times have we heard Halsey gloat over western men (brainwashed by Jewish propaganda) cutting their dicks off or Israel blowing up Hezbollah soldiers' genitals?
It's well-known that Jews have an obsession with men's privates, so this isn't too surprising.
Except this time it was Netanyahu's turn, as doctors had to remove his prostate: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/12/29/middleeast/netanyahu-prostate-operation-successful-intl-latam/index.html
If I don't hear a "Bibi cut off his pee pee" next wednesday, then I'll know no one on the show has any balls.
"Lily Phillips, who had sex with 101 men in a single day in October, has hit the headlines, but the focus should instead be on the men that exploit her, and the men that queued up to have sex with her."
Men just remember society hates you and - never ever - sacrifice yourself for a women or your country because at the end of the day it is and will always be your fault.
Eastern Europeans who hate Russia and Sunni Muslims who hate Iran and fight fore and cheer on the Jewish run Western Empire are like the black tribes of Africa that sold other blacks into slavery for gunpowder only to be enslaved themselves at a later date.
I get that weak men create hard times and all, but do you realize you're cheering for your own enslavement?
How the "wifejack, wifeguy" concept is being used by Con Inc shabbos goyim on X:
“Let me tell the men out there, you do not spend a dime on video games or sports games or things for yourself until your wife does not have to worry about finances. You come last in the family when it comes to finances. Period. That is your job.”
But like last time, this BS is getting pushback from young men. And it will fail again.
As soon as your overthrown, she is like "I gotta move on".
What is kefir? You're about to find out!