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combining the two videos in my video editing software turned a 3GB file into a 36GB file, so I'm downloading the stream from Rumble to post it everywhere because it's one complete file, but it contains the 10 minute countdown, but such is life.

Posting the stream will take longer than usual because I'm recombining both videos into one.

In the meantime I found the conversation with Celestina's AI I referenced. Here are links. - part 1 - part 2

@Scubbie @basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan being pro freedom and being self interested are not mutually exclusive. All values are based on self interest even if they are opposites.

The South was also morally right, but history isn't written by the morally right who lose wars, so it doesn't matter.

Russia was also morally right to invade Ukraine. That doesn't mean Russia isn't acting in self interest or that Putin is a Saint.

@basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan I agree that those who understand the South was right and the Progressives are cancer shouldn't call themselves Patriotic.

Even if you love the idea and values of what America once stood for, that America is dead.

It's like saying you're still a devoted husband to your ex-wife after she divorced you and took all your stuff. That woman you love doesn't exist anymore. That marriage you had doesn't exist anymore.

@basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan What do the Native Americans have to do with one's patriotism? That's completely irrelevant.

At least the Natives versus the colonists was a stand up fight. The Progressives just used welfare and Marxism to corrupt the country.

Guys, now hear me out here, what if and I know this may sound crazy but what if, it isn't the Jews but was actually women this whole time?

@VooDooMedic @PordanJeterson He's been this way for a while. He used to be obsessed with black cock and now he's convinced I'm a FED.

I want to see the next arc of his schizophrenia.

@basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan the South were the side loyal to the vision of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution. They were the patriotic side.

The country has gone to shit and I'm not patriotic anymore. America died and the Cathedral are wearing it's corpse like a costume as they push communism.

But when did it die? In the Civil War.

@37712 some say it's the rich. Some say it's the communists. Some say it's the government. Some say it's the jews.

What if it's the rich Jewish communists in the government?

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