@Stahesh @Zeb @Scubbie The NOTICING Is that there isn't countries and their interest. There isn't a country name Russia, There isn't a country name China etc all so called leaders of these so called countries are just actors playing a Role For example everything that Putin Say or do he has to ask to a movie director before Make any move and the same goes to Nathanllahu etc etc
@Zeb @Mike_Microwave @Stahesh What if Palestinians and Jews are actually Best buddy and are just playing a theatrical peformace to drain money from the so called WEST
@Tfmonkey 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Fólico Acid Supplement literally You can get that stuff from All plants foods.
Damn TFM You are just training to become pills depend old dude that will end up with the final blow of chimio.
@Pain66 Ahhh ok now I get it.
@Gonzo17 Thanks GOD For Veganism Now I know what I am eating except the rare ocations I eat a Bill Gates burger
@shortstories @RodrickSage That is a lie human tend to eat higher porcent in sea food like seaweed and sea Bugs compare to other primates the higher porcent of Omega 3 in sea food is what gives US the Powerbrain above other primates that is why humans and whales are the most smarters being in this World. Wasnt meat meat just was an oportunistic caloríes that is all and Make human sick cause the only reason we can eat Meat without dying from diahrrea Is cause we cooked the meat.
@RodrickSage 🤣🤣🤣 I am what You call endomorphs and My Diet consist in 80% carbs.
@Stahesh @RodrickSage Propaganda is the same System Swift rename.
@shortstories The usually use a wrapper paper to put inside the microwave that avoid Cross contamination is a requirement since believed or not there are people allergic to meat I am not talking about Vegans that stop eating For other reason legit people that are allergic to meat
@Mr_Mister Nah unless they ban Meat, dairy and eggs consumption won't be any real war on obesity Is just a waste of time sugar isn't the problem Is antibiotics and estrogens.
@Pain66 I don't see the Funny part is actually happening to some degree
@Based_Accelerationist Agreed good to see fellaws that are in the same page people like TFM lack Pragmatism and Maquiavelan perspectives of things
This is a true video guys the end of Israel Is near
@sardonicsmile Goverment aprobe drug dealers 😆🤡🤡🤡🤡
@Based_Accelerationist in one place name cities we need resources being redistribiur more equaly bewteen countryside and cities
@Based_Accelerationist The problem us millenials are sons of the baby Boomers we need For them to die in mass to Even dare to do something to change the current system. But l like a comment You told TFM we really arent in a population crisis we actually have Too much people living toguether in the same Time periot cause this has been the longest lifespan that human had reach in human history and actually reducing the population would be a good thing I would like to add that resources can't focu
@marlathetourist Fake and Gay