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@37712 - Yes, of course! That's what I keep mine for... car stuff. 😬 👀

@dander - Saw this last night, and thought to myself: "Is this what it looks like, when the world is no longer afraid of the US?" 🤔

It makes me wonder how fair the original lease was - maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. But yeah, change is certainly afoot.

@ApocalyptoLatte1488 @AmericanChampion @KarlDahl @Shadowman311 - Yeah, regardless of anything else, Trump *did* back gun control, didn't he.

One of the typical periodic shootings that you get in a political entity of 330,000,000 people occurred... and Trump's first impulse was gun control. That sticks out in my memory as a red-flag.

That could very well be, the deal that was struck.

@UncleIroh - I actually use this strategy in chess and poker! 😂 It often fails, but sometimes succeeds spectacularly.

At a game of Texas Hold'em, I once went all in, blind, at the deal. I got lucky and took the hand. The guy with the big stack was *pissed.* I mean, we were still friends and all after, but he was not a happy camper... 🤣💁🏻‍♂️😏

@basedbagel - The 90's are inflated, but so much better than now. I pity today's youth (when not feeling contempt).

I used to roll my eyes at stories of the 60s and 70s... thinking they were tall tales and fish stories. But seeing the change from the 90s to now, I can believe - and it blows my mind.

Any way you slice it, we're in the dystopia. But it's like Churchill once said: "This, is not the beginning of the end... but the end, of the beginning."

@rohrkrepierer - just a thought, but maybe it's because even if they don't realize it, incels are capable of finding some happiness on their own.

Females can't stand that, because they can't find happiness on their own. They'll often choose solitude, but it's not a happy one. This is why females celebrate male suicide. They're envious.

Females would probably hate chads too... if they weren't biologically driven to want to fuck them. 💁🏻‍♂️

Of course, I could be wrong. 😅🍻

@Scubbie - I think we're approaching the point where getting impeached doesn't even matter. The response will be something like: "Sure, I'm 'impeached'... Where's your army to enforce it?"

Just a gut feeling though.

@southpole21 @basedbagel - Females only having a present... 🤔

Under actual Patriarchy, this trait serves a very useful purpose. When they have full rights, it only results in broken families (and all the problems that come with that).

It's the trait that facilitates mental/emotional submission, when the facts of physical reality dictate it. The flip side being, that females are completely unreliable. But they were never meant to be relied upon.

Cheers. 🍻

@RodrickSage - It's funny in a way, because it can be argued that civilization breeds the very simps that destroy them (by making life easier).

It's all about finding the right balance, I think.

@Mugnika - Open to interpretation, eh?

Ah, so... Freudian slip. I suppose somewhere in my soul, there must be a noble aspiration.

It's a nice card. Personally, I go for Natsuki, 😅 but those are very cute graphics - and inspiring. 🍻

@basedbagel @Pain66 - I have no plans to be dead, good sir. 🫡😄

@basedbagel @Pain66 - Not to be combative, but I suspect true SHTF will look much different from Ukraine & Venezuela.

Ukr & Ven is like being poor in America. It sucks - no hygiene, higher risk of death, and generally not fun. But walk around and ask enough, and someone will eventually give you money.

The SHTF I anticipate, is an order of magnitude or two, worse. It's like being poor in Africa... No wait, that's not quite it. 🤔 It's like being poor in Antarctica. Yeah, that's it. 🫡

@Mugnika - I mean, I *would*...

But what would I be saving? How would it ever be worth the risk? Though I might smile upon a "mini-thing".

And one might ask: what if the founders said that? 🤔 But within the wider British empire, a mini-thing is exactly what the founders pulled off. And those odds were long enough for them. 💁🏻‍♂️

@basedbagel @Pain66 - As for males? Well, of course they're fucked. But that's just competition anyway, so fuck'em.

We tried to tell them to prepare, to recognize the nature of their existence, and 87% of them* actively chose to ignore all that. So they get what they get.

If men who are prepared, with a disposition for cooperation, can find one another in the wasteland... those men are worth their weight in gold.

It's Darwinian time!

*citation: percentage number pulled outta my ass

@basedbagel @Pain66 - It kind of is though...

In the weeks after SHTF, medications will be gone - and all the STDs are gonna manifest. Females over 40, are just a write-off. They're done.

But even perky titted 25yos are gonna be passed over when their lesioned, green pus-filled pussies show up.

Sadly, the young females (pre-teens and below) will probably fare "best". I remember after the Haiti earthquake, people were finding 2yo girls with gonorrhea in their mouth.

@urusan - I mean, I do consume a ton of sugar. I manage to keep the weight off by burning it, but I'd probably be healthier with less of it.

We all have our vices. 😏💁🏻‍♂️

@mutageno - Yeesh!! 😳🙄😮‍💨

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