@DicusMaximus - that silhouette though...
This made me laugh harder than I should.
@basedbagel @Tfmonkey - It's important to note though... as I'm talking shit here , that people can change.
Personally, I started my military career as an unapologetic dirtbag. But after serving a cause greater than myself, and making sacrifices for the same... and even more so by watching others make their sacrifices, I grew to appreciate what America is supposed to be. And I came out of it a much better person than I went in.
@basedbagel @Tfmonkey - But "America" is a puritan nation, and it's important that the public is able to believe their military are the good guys.
So as a consequence to these conditions, the military will discharge anyone who's being too big a dirtbag, too publicly - after other punishments.
There's a lot of really good guys in the military. But there's a lot of dirtbags too. The public can't find out about it.
It's basically another case of mass infantilization and feels over reals.
@basedbagel @Tfmonkey - It's important to note though... as I'm talking shit here , that people can change.
Personally, I started my military career as an unapologetic dirtbag. But after serving a cause greater than myself, and making sacrifices for the same... and even more so by watching others make their sacrifices, I grew to appreciate what America is supposed to be. And I came out of it a much better person than I went in.
@basedbagel @Tfmonkey - Command? That's easy. I grew up as an Army brat, and served in the Chair Force.
The military is very concerned about its image. There are very high ranking people, who lay awake at night, just dreading the next scandal (which is inevitable, and likely to be sexual in nature).
Military towns are shit towns. I believe it's unavoidable due the fundamental nature of warfare and those who fight.
@basedbagel @Tfmonkey - A wife can... but since it would affect her husband's pay (and therefore her own standard of living), she is incentivized not to.
Though, it still happens. Because the term "reasonable woman" is an oxymoron.
@sardonicsmile - when they make self-defense a crime... They make people defending themselves into criminals. Or more accurately, they turn people defending themselves into insurgents. So act accordingly, and at that moment, become an insurgent.
Hard times.
@DicusMaximus - Love it! So cute.
@RodrickSage - In modern American warfare, I've heard it takes 7 support troops for every combat soldier.
I wouldn't segregate the only children so starkly. I would just make them non-deployable (or non-combat MOS), if anything.
But as long as we're making women property, I can't say I otherwise object. Though I would plan on a scaled down version, as "America" is too far gone.
@basedbagel - Never underestimate the childish nature of female mentality.
They're legit shocked.
@basedbagel - And by the bye... I always thought "robo-tripping" was an excellent pun.
It combines the name Robitussin, with the fact that it creates a lag between sensory input, and mental processing. We used to refer to it as "lapsing" (absolutely never drive on it). This creates the effect of being robotic.
So yeah, great pun - and I always appreciate those. I tell ya, degenerates used to have class... they used to put more effort into their shenanigans. Lol!
@basedbagel - Eh... Sorry, bruh.
I'm old, and I've lived. Having experience is what gives a man perspective - it's fundamental.
Young people generally enjoy altered states of consciousness, and they do stupid shit. If it's any consolation, I researched the long term effects of DXM prior to trying it - I've always valued my mind.
And I never would've, if Uncle Sam & puritans were a little more chill... But just think of your inconvenience as voterID, but for cough syrup.
@basedbagel - I've done that. I enjoy weed, but in the military, drugs send you to Leavenworth. So our options were limited... It's fun, with no lasting ill effects.
Make sure the active ingredient is only dextromorthophan though. Drink the whole bottle (a carbonated chaser helps). You'll feel lousy in the gut for an hour or so, and then you'll feel grrr-eat. Don't make any plans for 3 days.
@basedbagel - Well to be fair, they probably have kids that they worry about. Should've raised them Amish.
I promised myself when I was young, that if I ever became rich... my own kids were gonna grow up poor (builds character). I've never had to test this promise though.
@37712 @Tfmonkey - It's an old reference, but this is why in the civilizational life cycle chart, matriarchy is followed by hard patriarchy, even though soft patriarchy is most beneficial for most people.
Because by the time people (well, men actually) are fed up enough to do something... They do it big.
@37712 - Yeah, republicans are living in the past. And that makes them pretty useless when times are changing so fast.
It will sort itself out. Nature will mow the lawn.
@basedbagel - Yeah... now that you mention it, maybe it is just a matter of the narrative.
Like: What's a reason for rioting, that help the media propagandists sell whatever point they're trying to sell?
Or, what's an acceptable reason to use political violence? and the media will present that as the reason for whatever is happening at any given time - because if there must be political violence that can't be ignored, then it must be enlisted into the leftist cause somehow...
@kaiservenom - I dig it. Decent interface, simple. And I like the way you can sample selections before purchasing, so you can evaluate the reader's voice, and see if it agrees with your ears.
@Scubbie - that took me a minute...
@RodrickSage - I dunno if porn is bad for man. Porn distracts men from irl women... but absent a welfare state, that's only bad for woman.
Social media distracts women from irl men. And that's bad for men. But absent a welfare state, it would also be bad for women.
I think the common thread, is the general helplessness of women.