@Based_Accelerationist - oh yeah, and regarding "it takes something else..." 🤔 I'm not so sure about that. In ancient times, Bible times, the middle east pretty much was the known world, and everything worth conquering was contained within that.
Some Phonecians may have sailed as far as Britain, but there was no sufficient social structure that could be parasitically comendeered.
And it's not like the Jews have run things since way back then. It's just that the Jewish tribe is the last ➡️
@Based_Accelerationist - agreed. The thought occurs to me as more of a foundation for jewish worldview, but any structure is much more than its foundation.
By all indications, the ancient middle east (and later Mediterranean) may have consisted of more than 50% enslaved people. That's pretty high.
For all the laments over the fall of Rome, it's often overlooked that the concept of freedom in the West, came from the Germanic conquerors. The Romans had libertas, which wasn't quite the same. 🍻
@ButtWorldsMan - Lololol! 😂
A fellow man of culture, I see. 🧐 She's a sweety. 🍻
@ButtWorldsMan - It's getting easier and easier to be a monk. 😂🫗
@Based_Accelerationist - It kinda makes a lot of sense really for why the Jews would want to enslave the world. 🤔
It's no excuse, but explains. The standard middle east civilizational model was mass enslavement, for thousands of years (Sumer, Babylon, Assyria, etc).
So if religion guides worldview, then it makes sense that enslaving people comes naturally.
Naturally, fuck all that. But for the eternal "why"... Food for thought. 🍻
@sardonicsmile - See... This is why I didn't stay in. This totally would've been me. 😂
@BHG - I never read the book, but your observations on divorce seem parallel to the female concept of consent.
When consent can be revoked at a later time, then it loses all meaning as a concept - because there is no way of actually securing it. Consent is no longer consent if it can be revoked on a whim.
A "price to leave" seems a lot like the financial equivalent. If it can be raised at any point in the future, than any such price becomes meaningless.
Women cannot have rights. 🍻
@RodrickSage - I'm legit tempted to vote for Harris - just to fight the "nothing ever happens".
I feel like if Harris won, something would happen. 🤷🏻♂️
@Wopu - I found the 1/4 oz gold coins to be a pleasant surprise. I never got around to buying any, but my situation is too good to complain. Maybe someday... 🍻
@Wopu - The funniest part of this, is when her date is unaware of her boyfriend and finds her wearing these underwear, or maybe it will be as he replays the highlight reel, and thinks to himself "wow, she is so thoughtful 🥰..."
It's almost like a gay relationship by proxy. 🤔😂😟
That's well said. 🫡🍻
@Gonzo17 - Everyone knows that FiddleFaddle is where it's at anyway. 😆
@Tfmonkey - Celestina is such a sweetheart. It's nice to see her get some recognition.
Even better to know that it won't change her a bit. 🎉🥂🎂
@UncleIroh - Love it when that happens. 😁🍻
@Mr_Mister @VeganMGTOW - I remember when I was in the military, and blue-pill as all hell... 🤔
One day my section was getting our asses chewed for some mundane sort of fuck up... and our commander was a civilian, and a woman. Even as young & blue-pill as I was, the contempt I felt was visceral. 🧐
@Based_Accelerationist - Epstein client? I doubt that.
All I can say with confidence, is that however Trump may have started out... In the end, his original vision didn't matter enough to him.
He could've been great. But he settled for passibly fulfilling his purpose (shaking things up), and his relevance has passed. 🍻
@Based_Accelerationist - in 2016, Trump made the mistake of surrounding himself with swamp creatures while trying to battle the deep state.
In 2024, Trump says to himself "If you can't beat'em, join'em."
@ButtWorldsMan - I ♥️ TX.
@freepatriot - I don't really worry about it much.
I think on it, sure, but not with worry. 🍻