@FinalDresdonation Don't give up already. Fight for your life. It's not impossible
@PordanJeterson that's why we have words like bitch, slut, whore. Why are you calling her by her name? 😆
@sardonicsmile Determining "why" via research and self-reporting is always sketchy.
If you're following the news you haven't walked away from society.
If you still think anything important happens on the news, you still have lots to learn about the world.
- Do not talk politics
- Do not follow news
- Grow/hunt your food
@sardonicsmile what's the summary?
@UncleIroh yeah. It's basically a different brain.
@UncleIroh It helps some. Most will accept any explanation given by the authority source.
@UncleIroh It was fairly impressive, I have to admit it. Still many people believe the gaslighting to this day.
It was amazing to watch.
@basedbagel Too much accommodating for the weak. It has to stop.
@DoubleD @philosophy @UncleIroh @basedbagel @YoMomz
Morality doesn't matter. Only consequences. Humans respond to consequences. That's why Christianity has failed or been corrupted. It was neutered of it's consequences.
It's rewards and consequences are promised too far away - after death. Death isn't real to most people anymore until old age.
They are no immediate consequences unless we are bringing back stoning.
@basedbagel @Mongoliaboo I'm parking in handicap spots from now on. 👍
@ButtWorldsMan poor tree can't run away
@Stahesh @Brianhere Women should not be allowed outside the home.
Gyms were for athletes. But now anyone uses a gym. Another bastardization of an institution.