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@Tfmonkey When we don't have all the facts, we use logic, don't we?
And the odds of Trump miraculously dodging that bullet, while every shill on the right was hyping up the idea of an assassination attempt, when the "Cathedral" had so many ways to end his life without making it obvious, are ridiculously small. Now what if, for instance, the plan is to turn Trump into a hero so everyone (including the Left) accepts fighting WW3 when he drafts them? Ridiculous? Maybe, but still far more probable.

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@Tfmonkey Trump isn't Putin, if they call for his arrest, Trump will go peacefully, as we've seen. Why didn't they get him while he was alone instead of choosing such a high profile method that will only make everyone think they're trying to kill him?? And WHY would they even try to assassinate Israel's golden boy in the first place? Isn't it way more logical to assume, at least until we have some evidence of the opposite, that this is just another strategy to further turn Trump into a martyr?

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@Tfmonkey So the assassination attempt on Trump was real because they shot his ear instead of his arm or shoulder? C'mon man, have you seen any magic trick, ever?
Was his ear visibly damaged?

Or could they have simply told the shooter to aim at the crowd and when he hears the shots, Trump touches his ear, takes cover and his security places some fake blood on him? I mean, it's that simple to stage, you don't need that much imagination.

What would Trump be without all the trials, the media and the assassination attempts? Nothing.
He'd be just another RINO who was bailed out by Rothschild Inc, who sent money to Bill Gates, protected Big Pharma's interests, partied with Jeffrey Epstein, betrayed his own supporters and bent the knee to Israel.

"B-but he didn't start any new wars". Covid was the war and he went along with it.

Yet Americans glorify him as their messiah. It's as if their lives depend on Jewish myths and gay psyops.

Tell you what, I'll believe this assassination attempt wasn't staged in some way to turn Trump into a martyr, if the "Cathedral" actually kills him.

They have plenty of time, Trump has more rallies to attend, they can arrest him, poison him, heart attack him, etc.

There's no excuse for them to not assassinate Trump, if that is truly their goal.

BUT, if by the end of the show, Trump becomes president like nothing happened, then you'll know this too was fake and gay.

@Tfmonkey Congratulations, you successfully predicted the future, just like Alex Jones, Tim Pool and the rest. I have no idea why you thought Trump would be the target of an assassination attempt, but you were right.

Now ask yourself this. If the shooter was some random leftist, why didn't this happen in 2016, when Trump was WAY more hated than he is now.
And if this was the establishment, how could they miss? They got Kennedy in the 60s on a moving vehicle, but now they miss?

So it finally happened, the moment the controlled opposition had been hyping up for so long is here. "Watch out, they're going to assassinate Trump!" They told us a thousand times. Why? Who cares!

And it failed, of course, he even smiled and posed for the camera with the fake blood and everything. They can hit Kennedy in a moving vehicle from miles away in the 60s, they have invented countless new ways to kill people since then, but this is how it happens. Here's your new Jewish martyr America!

ironically jordan peterson hides behind the skirts of feminized teacher-knows-best authority, secure in the knowledge that he will never have to answer to the people he slanders because men are no longer allowed to settle their differences as men

this coward would soil himself and curl up into a ball if he ever faced the prospect of real physical harm

@Based_Accelerationist They will kill everyone and destroy everything if it is in their interest.

Because there often attack their side if it help them reach their goal

Israel admits it killed its own at Nova music festival
New evidence emerges of Israel killing its own civilians
Analysis: Why is Israel’s military killing so many of its own?

Klaus Schwab isn't in hiding afraid of Russia and China either, he retired probably because he's old and sick, the World Economic Forum is still owned by his family and will continue existing. He's not the mastermind anyway.

Additionally, Chabad Lubavitch Jews claim they own Putin and control the economy. Plus it's illegal to deny the holohoax in Russia. But how great is it, that they're arming everyone who hates the West, am I right? I think we can all see how this is going to end.

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Rest assured, "we" are NOT winning. The globalist agenda hasn't stopped because of Russia/China. They're still pumping more vaccines, they're still replacing you with migrants, poisoning your food and even trying to block out the sun, And why would they stop? China is the model for the "Cathedral", they're not going to dismantle the UN, this is the plan.

The "Cathedral" didn't destroy itself because they're retarded, they destroyed the West because that was always the goal.

Candace Owens is over the target and still taking flak from kikes. She shuts this Jew down masterfully.

Well played and worth a watch.

Isn't it ironic that the people keeping this anti-male, anti-freedom and anti-individualism system afloat, are neither women, Jewish nor welfare sponges?

It's men, it's the average "not my problem"/"just following orders" schmuck. Not only do they accept the slavery, they enable it everyday.
Those who think they were "brainwashed" haven't interacted with them enough. Their passive-aggressive nature and subversive behavior is genetic to some extent.

So who's the real enemy here? Not big pharma.

@Tfmonkey Remember Dave Chappelle's SNL monologue? I can't find the full video on YT anymore. But I downloaded this and you might enjoy it more now than when it happened.

@Tfmonkey Coincidentally, KnowMoreNews just released a compilation of rabbis partially revealing what they think about Christianity and Islam. And this view that Christianity was nothing more than controlled opposition and the conquering arm of Judaism, is nothing new. Some of the people on this video are merely quoting famous Torah scholars of the Middle Ages, like Maimonides, who at the time, said the exact same thing:

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