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Is real 🫡

BREAKING: Israeli missiles have hit a site in Iran, a U.S. official says. The move comes days after Iran fired dozens of missiles at Israel.

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Phuck lukewarm, spineless eunuchs. Muscular Christianity for the win.

"...Turn the other cheek..." is SPECIFICALLY in reference to revenge. . .NOT SELF PRESERVATION/DEFENSE.

@Pain66 Depends on the circumstances. If I'm working 80-90 weeks 7 days a week for months at a time due to management incompetence/understaffing and my dipshit boss (who works cozy 40 hour weeks) comes to yell at me I'll be pissed off. If I wasn't doing my job or was being grossly incompetent that is another story.

@Mongoliaboo Yup, they simply don't get that getting out of Men's way pretty much saves/builds nations. People already organize naturally ethnically. All you need is to allow men to enforce their authority in their families and it build up from Home, Community, State, to Nation. Simple as. Buuuut Nooooo, more government will save us.

Not to say T levels and shit are irrelevant, but I think it self corrects if you let men take their biological roles and of course don't poison every food on earth. Not perfect, but I believe men would self correct more without the whole apparatus of the state preventing them from doing so.

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Fucking White Nat Nazi types saying that the state needs to intervene in mens lives to make them more manly so that T levels can be raised to raise birthrates.

Fucking retards how about the State GETS OUT OF MENS LIVES. I could guarantee you'd see stronger men w/ more T if you empower them & gtfo of their way for them to rule their homes, fuck their wives, and raise their kids. How about ending Divorce, Alimony, Child Support, and the whole 9 yards instead of butting into men's lives.


@BHG It was the rather the push against saturated fats, and fats in general as being health issues while pushing seed oils into everything as being the health conscious choice. The lack of exercise, seed oils, and of course eating habits growing, and I would say meat being fucked with would add a little too. Erosion of home cooking, exercise, calories, and poor dieting.

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We will worship pussy till our extinction. If that is the case then so be it! @Tfmonkey

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>I was merely highlighting the accomplishments of the jewish people

4D chess move.

@Brianhere I have been hearing for months how Russia, Korea, and Hungary giving all these benefits for women to have kids increasing the birth rates is 'so based' and even if it is maybe effective by like .1% it's worth all that state allocated money. Some people are just so fucking blind to the solution

@Mr_Mister I just think they used removing Trump from the ballots and being reinstated as their precedent on letting Nikki Haley skim her "polled" 8%-10% of Trump's votes so they can have a split vote situation in a swing state or two. Sure she's not running against Trump officially anymore, but if I were them I'd just 'split' the red vote instead of pushing blue ones. They only need to do this in like 4 states anyways too.

@37712 @Tfmonkey @MrpoopyButhole @ButtWorldsMan Banking won't really matter in my mind. Best you can get is to bank somewhere where your money is federally backed, and you can get say a money market return rate of a few %. Otherwise build some real assets and cash on hand. The ideal situation is someone with a stable currency backs theirs with a real asset and you can then move there before anything too wild happens here.

@37712 @Tfmonkey @MrpoopyButhole @ButtWorldsMan Generally speaking unless you're actively keeping the metals it is only as good as paper unless you trust said group to have the metals they say they have. Seeing as how it is a rewards card though if it lets you redeem points for metals as you normal spend it may be fine to use on the side as you buy things. Just make sure all your other needs and finances are worked out and stay on top of paying it off.

None of being religious alone though stopped my parents divorcing and not wanting to be divorce raped on a whim makes me a communist though. Then what would you guess they use the fact that I had to deal with growing up through a divorce as somehow a W against me as if it doesn't prove my point and that most men don't seek relationships with women because they don't want to be divorced. The mental gymnastics blows my mind, but I guess just keep blaming men.

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I still hate sections of the religious right. I myself am religious, but I'll get mormons or very insular community older religious guys calling me a gender commie over the facts on the ground that women having expansive divorce rights and education/matched income with men leads to more divorces. Not even mentioning that they vote for, benefit from, and are supported by the welfare state the most and use Men Via the State to enforce the positive biases of women against singular men.

@basedbagel I just get my paychecks and can hop industries. Not ideal, but my stuff doesn't require promotions outright to get good money. Good spot for resource accumulation at least

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