@UncleIroh @Stahesh Yeah the Cartel is getting creative to get rid of the evidence Cannibslism 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
@houseoftolstoy It isn't about winning they want a Blood sacrifice For the harvest the so called leaders follow a Pagan doctrine SO they need to sacrifice as many young men as possible to please their deities.
@Stahesh @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey I don't think the Time lapse these people LAST before they die Will Make a difference in the population the Game changer could be if they are also infertil and their offspring also infertil but if this isn't the case the death won't be enough to cut the population by 80% the only difference Is the lifespan will be reduce drastically but Not the size of the demográfico.
@VooDooMedic Yeah I Will give this one to the Jews they created the most sucessful psyop in human history LAST For 2000 years still running is something to admire if You think about it
@houseoftolstoy This isn't about Ukraine they want to destroy the US dollar to launch they CDBC
@kaiservenom Damn how many neurons have die trying to follow a bitch lógica. This is fine example why They shouldn't be outside the house and stay in the house with a husband dick in her mouth SO she can't express idiotic things like this.
@Stahesh Boomers in a Nutshell
@shortstories Good now people Will learn to go Vegan to avoid being depending of these demonic entities.
@shortstories Niggers Jews? Or s joke
@shortstories For me it started with antibiotics that kills All the bacteria in your guts making difficult to absord nutrients from food condend You to be a slave of The Bigpharma healthcare business.
@RodrickSage Agreed TFM doesnt know that All Those guns in the civilian population that he think going to something Is just For larping Remember that most of Those guns Is owned by Boomers they don't care they rather be a slave and keep the system running cause they deoend of it to survive they won't do anything agaisnt a tyranical Goverment
@Stahesh I think white woman should be in that bunch
@37712 Lol You got it backwards a Vegan Diet could save them a even cure all his symptons I don't want to save the normies they are the main reason why slavery Is winning. I would do the opositive I would recommend them the Carnivore diet so they can die faster
A Youtuber Normie giving his testimony how he Lost in the most important IQ test in his life and now he don't have too much Time living. Very good inside of what normies are experiencie after the Jabs he is 29 years old SO yeah is badddd
@37712 @sardonicsmile Good News For @RodrickSage
@shortstories Nah should happen something like another 9 11 something that shock the world this isn't anything that was expeting I guess Is next year
@shortstories Yeah I Guess they posponed For next JUNE 11TH 2025.
THE other prediction that it Will happen this year is Donald Trump headwound August 4th in Ohio
@shortstories @Pain66 They would save All that money if instead of trusting the system the wife started a Vegan Diet cause the main cause of cancer Is Meat Dairy and eggs.