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@Engineer What if those missiles were a bluff and didn't actually work, and were propaganda and that's why the US couldn't replicate their mid-70s technology.

@Indignation I don't know what to tell you, my dude. I did two tours in Iraq and I never saw this caffeine gum, only cans of "Rip It".

@Indignation They gave up energy drinks called Rip It. They were like short little cans. They never gave up gum.

@Indignation I'm never heard of "military gums". Are they just caffeine gum, or do they have vitamins and shit in them?

@Scubbie the Jewish alt of the Asian priest has the same last name. I'll bet it's one of the developers names and means nothing.

@Zeb @charliebrownau @sardonicsmile They tie themselves into knots in order to blame men for everything and absolve women of responsibility.

@Mister_Sunshine @Dudebro @matty @tyler @Dan_Hulson @infostormer my point is that we can't all live in the city, as there aren't any "jobs" there either. Everyone is on welfare and it's a crime ridden shithole.

We can't bring manufacturing jobs back, they're gone forever to the developing world.

The only way to rebuild small town America is with farming. I get that the government can steal your land if you live too close to a city, so move farther away and farm white man, farm.

@Zeb @charliebrownau @sardonicsmile I don't get the Orion reference. Is that the name of the guy talking?

sexless marriages are almost entirely the woman's fault due to plummeting hormones and lack of sex drive. Why do you think "lesbian bed death" occurs?

Do gay men stop having sex because of love? No, this guy is a fucking retard.

@Dudebro @matty @tyler @Dan_Hulson @infostormer all communities begin with farms, then manufacturing, then offices and "services".

People don't want to farm and the cities have become crime-ridden hellscapes. There are no manufacturing jobs as they've all moved to Mexico and China.

learn to farm, it's what white people are good at. Ask Zimbabwe.

@FinalDresdonation @37712 @MrpoopyButhole @ButtWorldsMan It's just a charge card backed by your gold assets instead of a loan contract.

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